Be Prepared, Safe and Healthy With Emergency Planning Management
We partner with institutions, corporations and events worldwide to help keep them safe, resilient and healthy now and in the future.
Planning Doesn’t Have To Be Scary
Clearpath EPM will guide your organization toward building and maintaining 360 degrees of preparedness through robust emergency planning and dynamic risk and safety programs. Build resilience through:

Mitigate Risk Using The TOTALITY Safety Platform
An emergency preparedness program that is integrated, comprehensive and specific to your location is how resilient organizations maintain a safe operating environment. Our EPM platform is called TOTALITY and it’s what guides organizations through their emergency preparedness and response programs.
The TOTALITY Safety Dashboard
is a structured database that is:

Custom Tailored
Emergency operations plans built to your specific needs.

Cloud Hosted
Accessible anywhere, from any internet connected device.

Industry Leading
Created by security and emergency planning experts.

Embedded Enterprise Design
For all organizations from single site to multiple sites.
In Person & Virtual Consulting, Anywhere In The World!
When it comes to the safety of your students, employees, customers, congregants and ticket holders, our consultants have prepared for and responded to threats and hazards all over the world. Leverage our safety experts for …
Onsite Security Survey, Audit and Assessment
Crisis Management Team Training & Coaching
This may also include table-top exercises.
Staff Mentoring, Training & Coaching
Designed for your staff that is responsible for leading safety, security, emergency and/or crisis management and preparedness activities.
Security Guard Force
On a proprietary or contract level program that includes performance reviews, training, policies and procedures.
Investigative Support
Including threat support or post incident support.
Virtual Consultative Services
Can include a review of or assistance in development of your emergency operations plans as well as overall preparedness and risk mitigation strategies via TOTALITY.